Orders are shipped within 2-5 business days from the purchase date. Based on availability and payment method. We will advise you of the shipping date and status while confirming your order over the phone or by email.
- Online orders will be processed after an A&E representative contact the customer and verifies the information and payment method.
- A&E watches will accept personal checks, the customer can expect the item to be shipped 7-10 business days after the check is cleared with the bank.
- For international transaction we accept only wire transfer
Free Shipping:
We offer overnight fully insured signature required free shipping for orders within the USA. You will receive tracking information when your order has been shipped. We ship by UPS to residential addresses and FedEx to business addresses. FedEx and UPS do NOT ship to P.O Boxes APO or FPO, therefore we must have a physical address.
International shipping:
We offer worldwide priority international shipping. The charge for international shipping is $150. Please be notified that you may be subjected to customs and duty charges when the watch arrives at its destination.