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As seen on tv

Here, we showcase the media coverage that A&E Watches has proudly received over the years. From compelling articles to captivating interviews, we highlight our dedication to excellence in the world of luxury timepieces. Each feature tells our story and reflects our passion for quality. Join us as we celebrate our journey and the recognition we've earned along the way!

Better Business Bureau – A&E Watches (Rolex)

Are high-end watches a good investment? What you need to know before you buy

Brandfetch – A&E Watches

Used Rolex Watches: San Francisco Jewelry Expert Endorses National Study –“Even Luxury Shoppers Prefer Bargain-Hunting,” he says

‘Pre-owned’ gifts can save money while delivering quality

Used Rolex Watches: Jewelry Expert Says New Study Reveals Poor Economy Doesn’t Affect Rich People’s ‘Passion Investments’

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